Traditional Welsh honey buns

by | Feb 23, 2021



  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 300ml whole milk
  • 600g strong white flour
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 2 x 7g fast active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon Halen Môn in a finer flake
  • 1 free-range egg

For the filling:

  • 150g softened unsalted butter
  • 150g soft brown sugar



  • 100g menyn
  • 300ml llaeth
  • 600g blawd bara cryf
  • 100g siwgr caster
  • 2 baced 7g o furum sych
  • 1 llwy de halen
  • 1wy

Ar gyfer y llenwad:
150g menyn meddal
150g siwgr brown


Halen Môn co-founder Alison remembers queuing up for these buns whilst on holiday in Dolgellau in the seventies. She’s been searching for more ever since.

Author and cook Elliw Gwawr has come to the rescue, and kindly shared this recipe with us. Soft pillowy dough, with a sweet, sticky filling. Perfect with a paned (tea or coffee.)

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the milk. Heat to around 37C – if you don’t have a thermometer, it should be warm but not hot. If you can put a finger in should be fine. Take care not to overheat and kill the yeast.

In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, salt and yeast with a spoon or your hand. Add the egg and then the milk and butter and mix until you have a fairly wet dough. 

Put a bit of flour (not too much) or oil on the board and knead the dough for 10 minutes or until it is smooth. If you have a freestanding mixer, use the dough hook.

Put the dough in a greased bowl, and cover with cling film or beeswax wrap. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for an hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 200C.

To make the filling, mix the butter and sugar until it forms a paste. 

Divide the dough into into 8-10 pieces. 

Sprinkle a little flour onto the board and roll one of the pieces into a rectangle shape. Put a teaspoon of the filling in the middle and fold the dough towards you to make a sort of triangle. Use your thumb to press down hard on the two corners that have come together. 

Now put another spoonful of the filling in the middle and fold the dough towards you to form a triangle. Again, press down hard with your thumb.

Put the buns on two shallow trays lined with greaseproof. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until they begin to brown.


Toddwch y menyn mewn sosban, ac ychwanegwch y llaeth. Cynheswch i 37°C, os nad oes gennych thermomedr, dylai fod yn gynnes ond ddim yn boeth. Os ydych yn gallu gadael eich bys ynddo, fe ddylai fod yn iawn, ond gofalwch nad yw’n rhy boeth gan y bydd yn lladd y burum.

Mewn powlen fawr, cymysgwch y blawd, siwgr, halen a’r burum. Yna ychwanegwch yr wy ac yna’r llaeth a’r menyn a’i gymysgu. Ar y pwynt yma fe fydd yn does reit wlyb.

Rhowch ychydig bach o flawd (dim gormod) neu olew ar eich bwrdd a thylinwch y toes am 10 munud nes ei fod yn llyfn, neu os oes gennych un defnyddiwch y bachyn tylino ar eich peiriant cymysgu.

Rhowch y toes mewn bowlen wedi ei iro gydag olew a gorchuddiwch gyda haenen cling. Gadewch i’r toes godi mewn rhywle cynnes am awr. Ar ôl i’r toes ddyblu mewn maint, cynheswch y popty i 200C / 180C ffan.

I wneud y llenwad cymysgwch y menyn a’r siwgr nes ei fod yn bast meddal a rhannwch y toes mewn i 8-10 darn.

Ysgeintiwch ychydig o flawd ar eich bwrdd a roliwch un o’r darnau mewn i siâp petryal. Gosodwch lond llwy de o’r menyn a siwgr yn y canol a phlygwch y toes yn ei hanner, gan ddod a’r ochrau byrraf at ei gilydd. Defnyddiwch eich bawd i bwyso’r toes i lawr yn galed ar y gornel agosaf atoch.

Nawr rhowch lwyaid arall o’r menyn a’r siwgr yn y canol a phlygwch y toes tuag atoch chi i ffurfio triongl. Eto pwyswch y gornel i lawr yn galed gydag eich bawd.

Gosodwch y byns ar ddau hambwrdd pobi wedi ei leinio gyda phapur gwrthsaim.

Pobwch am 15-20 munud nes eu bod nhw’n dechrau brownio. Peidiwch â phoeni os yw rhywfaint o’r llenwad yn dod allan o’r ochrau, mae hyn fod i ddigwydd.

Gadewch i oeri ac ysgeintiwch gydag ychydig o siwgr eisin.

IMAGE: Elliw Gwawr

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