Q. How do I know which of your sea salt to use?

A. Read our article on our different sea salts here for guidance, including how to use our flake sea salt in your everyday cooking.

Q. How do I learn to season properly?

A. Over the years, we’ve worked with hundreds of chefs around the world and learned a thing or two. Read our article on how to season like a chef.

Q. What's the difference between Anglesey Sea Salt and Halen Môn?

A. Sometimes we get asked what the difference between Halen Môn and Anglesey Sea Salt is and if they are two different companies.

The answer is simple: we are one and the same. There is only one sea salt company on Anglesey. 

Our brand name is Halen Môn, which is the Welsh translation of “Anglesey Salt”.

Our registered company name for all business purposes is The Anglesey Sea Salt Company. Call us what you like – we make the very best Welsh sea salt.

Q. Does your sea salt contain microplastics?

A. No.

As a business we treat this as a serious issue and have measures in place to combat the risk.

We pump our sea water from the Menai Strait, and we have a robust filtering regime to remove any impurities.

The sea water passes through a sand filter, a carbon filter, six cartridge filters and finally, a UV filter. The finest filter goes down to approx. one micron – to give you an idea of size, a human hair is around 70 microns in diameter. 


Q. What makes Halen Môn a Soil Association approved product?

A. Our sea salt making process is audited by The Soil Association who check that we don’t add anything to the salt or use any chemicals in its production or cleaning. The bright whiteness of our flakes is entirely natural, not down to bleach but to the careful rinsing by our team of harvesters.

If you require a next day delivery service then please give us a call on 01248 430871 before 11.30am. We will always do our very best to help, but we are a small team and it may not always be possible.

Q. What would happen if we didn't eat salt at all?
A. The chemical reactions inside our bodies need sodium and along with chloride, sodium is one of the two elements that make up salt.

Without salt, our bodies would cease to function. Muscles would stop working, nerves wouldn’t carry messages and food would remain undigested.

Everyday, our bodies lose salt through sweat, urine and tears, so we need to replace it to keep our bodies working properly. Since salt is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet, it’s important we all get enough.

Q. Why is sea salt considered better for your health than other salt?

A. To start with, the salt composition that makes up our body tissues is similar to that of seawater.

Sea salt also retains the valuable natural trace elements which are often removed during the processing of other table salts.

And because sea salt naturally tastes stronger, you tend to use less of it in your cooking (whilst maintaining the same intensity of flavour).

Q. What is a low salt diet and how do I reduce my salt intake?

A. A low-salt diet is often prescribed for people suffering from high blood pressure.

As 75% of the salt we eat in the UK is already in the food we buy, you can help to reduce your salt intake by eating fewer processed items like bread, cereals, preserved meat and fish, pickles, sauces, salted nuts and crisps, tinned vegetables and ready meals.

By always checking the back of packets for the salt content, you can make sure you’re not going over your GDA (guideline daily allowance) of salt. For adults, this is 6g (2.4g sodium).

Q. What about low sodium substitutes?

A. It is the sodium in salt that can lead to high blood pressure. So while reduced-sodium alternatives contain less sodium than standard salt, they are not sodium-free. Meaning you will still be adding sodium to your food.

Since sea salt has a stronger taste and is completely natural, you might find it easier to control your salt intake by eating sensibly and using a small amount of natural sea salt, rather than a chemically modified alternative.

Q. What is Celtic Sea Salt?

A. Celtic sea salt is a type of sea salt with a grey colour and coarse texture, it’s often known as ‘sel gris’ and made in Guerande. The colour is due to the way it’s harvested from clay-lined salt marshes.

Our sea salt is hand-harvested, inside, and rinsed to remove any excess chalk, giving it a clean flavour profile and a shining white appearance.

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