Wild Garlic Pesto

by | Mar 22, 2022


  • 120g leaves of wild garlic (the equivalent of about half a carrier bag)
  • 40g sunflower seeds
  • 60g Hafod cheddar, finely grated.
  • Sunflower oil
  • Pure Sea Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper 

We like to make Wild Garlic Pesto with one of our favourite Welsh cheeses: Hafod cheddar, which is made on Wales’ longest certified organic dairy farm. If you’re struggling, any strong Farmhouse cheddar will work well. 

First thing’s first – pick the garlic from a spot that isn’t favoured by dog walkers!

Wash the wild garlic leaves thoroughly, checking for any twigs or bugs. 

Place the sunflower seeds and wild garlic together in a food processor, add 2 tbsp of sunflower and blitz thoroughly. Check the pesto and add more oil until it reaches your desired consistency. 

Stir in the cheese and season with the sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. 

This pesto will keep well in the fridge for a couple of weeks when topped with a layer of oil. 

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