‘To be born Welsh Is… privileged. Not with a silver spoon in the mouth, but music in the blood & poetry in the soul’ – so tweeted BBC Wales on St David’s Day. The only thing we felt lay forgotten was ‘good food in the stomach’, because we have such a bounty of Welsh produce to offer the world from our small country.

So this year, together with an array of other Welsh producers – selling everything from Penderyn whiskey to Welshcakes, Tregroes Waffles to Snowdonia mushrooms, we hosted a tasting market inside the world-famous Fortnum & Mason in London’s Picadilly.

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The daffodils were out in full-force, our  professional merchandiser Jacqui made sure our market stands looked top-notch, a professional harpist played traditional Welsh songs to accompany our tastings, and Fortnum’s told us it was one of the most successful markets they have hosted.

All in all, a rather successful two days. Many thanks to the Food Hall supervisor Danny, and everyone from Menter a Busnes who put so much work into the event.

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