Smoky tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches

by | Aug 29, 2023


Serves 2

For the mayonnaise

For the sandwich


    There’s a triple hit of smokiness in these sandwiches with our Smoky Dijon Mustard, Smoked Water and Pure Sea Salt Smoked Over Oak. The campfire effect has a totally transformative effect on the juicy, fresh tomatoes – almost making them taste “cooked” without losing any of their brightness.


    1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and Dijon mustard until completely combined, then pour in a drop of mild olive oil. Whisk until the oil is incorporated, and continue adding the oil, drop by drop, until the mixture begins to thicken and hold its shape. Be patient and add the oil as slowly as you can, because adding the oil too quickly can cause the ingredients to split, resulting in a curdled mayonnaise.
    2. Once the mixture is thickened, add the oil in a thin, steady stream, continuing to whisk all the time, until it’s all incorporated. Repeat with the extra virgin olive oil.
    3. Whisk in the smoked water, if using, then season with lemon juice and sea salt in a finer flake.
    4. Lightly toast the bread, then spread a dessertspoon of the mayonnaise over two of the slices.
    5. Use a sharp knife to slice the tomatoes into 1cm thick slices. Discard the ends of the tomatoes, or save them for stock, and lay the remaining slices over the mayonnaise. Sprinkle the tomatoes with smoked salt, then sandwich with the remaining slices of bread. Slice in half and serve immediately.

    RECIPE: Anna Shepherd

    IMAGE: Jake Lea-Wilson


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