At this year’s Royal Welsh show, amongst the prize winning pigs and outstandingly delicious offerings, we bumped into Mikey Bell, who runs a food blog. He writes simple but delicious recipes and has very kindly agreed to share this nostalgic dessert on our blog. For an added layer of smokiness swap the Pure Sea Salt for our Pure Sea Salt Smoked Over Oak.


100g soft brown sugar
45g cornflour
1 1⁄2 tsp of Pure Sea Salt
1 egg yolk
470ml full fat milk
100ml double cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
20g butter

A sprinkle of Pure Sea Salt

Combine the sugar, cornflour and sea salt in a deep pan. Hover your hand over an empty bowl and crack an egg, catching the egg in your bare hand. Hold the yolk carefully and pass it from hand to hand as the whites drip off and fall into the bowl. Add the yolk to the sugar and keep the whites for a batch of meringues.

Whisk the yolk into the sugar. Pour the milk in a bit at a time, whisking as you go. Add the double cream and vanilla, continuing to whisk, and turn the hob on to a medium heat.

Allow this to cook, continuing to whisk gently, for about 7 or 8 minutes so that the pudding comes to a simmer. You’ll think you’ve added too much milk but stick with it, the trusty cornflour will thicken it up.

Once it’s thickened and it’s a pudding consistency, take it off the heat and add the butter, whisking again to incorporate it. Pour this into a big jar or tub and once cooled, store it in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.

To stop it from forming a skin (don’t worry if it does, it can easily just be whisked out) get a damp piece of baking paper and place it on top.

When you’re ready to serve, finish with a further little sprinkle of Pure Sea Salt.

IMAGE: Lowri Bethan Hawkins

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